Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Time for Christmas

Thanksgiving has come and gone in my house. My mom, dad, brother, sister and brother-in-law were in town for Thanksgiving. While they were here we ate, shopped and had a great time hanging out together.

Now it is on to the next holiday.....CHRISTMAS! My tree and fireplace are all decorated, even Craig's deer is festive (pictures are below). Cade helped decorate the tree this year, he kept saying 'This is the best Christmas ever!' It was so cute. I had to do some rearranging of some ornaments behind him because the one limb he was putting ornaments on begin to touch the ground. Craig also put our lights on the house while I was at work and these are the pictures I received.

Cade on the roof! I know you are thinking the same thing I was, I immediately called Craig to inquire why Cade was on the roof. Craig said that Cade wanted to help so he let him. I am just glad I was not there to witness the whole thing.

So me and Craig braved Black Friday once again this year with all the other crazy shoppers looking for those bargains. We started at Walmart at 4AM and returned to the house at 1PM for a long needed nap. My family met up with us a few times but I am sure they thought we were crazy for getting up that early and shopping literally until we dropped. But we saved some money and had a blast (if that is possible at 4AM).
Well here are a few pictures of our decorations.

1 comment:

Nama said...

thanksgiving was so much fun! and the best part of friday morning was eating breakfast at cracker barrel. :) and i loved your christmas decorations! the festive deer is great!